Jillian Felice

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How Thrifting Changed My Life

For as long I can remember I have always been into fashion. As a little girl I was automatically drawn to any woman who I perceived as dressing well. Sounds superficial right? But for me it wasn't superficial at all. Being raised by a single mother meant not getting everything I wanted. Only what I actually needed. So, as a child I wasn't spoiled by any means. However, growing up I did notice that people who dressed well seemed to get more respect. Almost like they were magical. Not only I, but others seemed to be drawn to them as well. Having observed that in my most impressionable years formed how I would decide to present myself to other people later in my life.

Thrifting for me started as soon as I was able to get an allowance of any sort. I would even save my lunch money and eat less just so I would have enough money by the end of the week to go thrifting at the Goodwill down the street from my house. My sister and I would do a few extra chores to get a couple more bucks and off we would go down the street to shop. We would literally have $5 to $6 in our hand but we somehow would ALWAYS manage to come back with a large bag full of treasures. Our parents were always surprised at exactly how much we were able to get. When I realized I could look just as put together as the kids around me by spending way less, that frugal nature stuck and I took that with me into my adulthood. 

Even as a young teenage Fashionista, one question I would always get is where I got things or how I came up with ideas on what to put together. My answer was always "I got it on sale!" "I thrifted it!" or "I was inspired by a picture in a magazine.". I was never ashamed of my frugal nature. As a matter of fact, I was proud. I looked at those who paid full price for everything as not the smartest quite frankly. I use to think to myself, if they only knew they could get that for so much cheaper...... But, who was I to tell anyone else how to shop right? In that time, it was looked at as a GREAT thing to spend so much money on EVERYTHING. 

So as time passed I got a job & became more financially stable. I WAS after all a teenage mom. I started to shop in regular retail stores more. I even went through a phase of buying designer everything because well... I could. However, I started to become bored an unfulfilled with fashion. The more I looked around, the more I started to notice that everyone looked like me. Or rather, I looked like everyone else. This bothered me. The fact that I was no longer an original bothered me! I was never one to fit in fashion wise. I was the type who LOVED standing out. So I sat back and thought myself... How could I possibly put together an outfit that no one else has? That’s so unrealistic! Then I thought back to when I felt like my most unique self. It was in that moment I remembered my roots. 

The beauty of thrifting is, there is only one. Not only can you get something so AMAZINGLY unique, but also in the most amazing quality you might otherwise not be able to afford. Thrifting was a no-brainer! So I began my thrifting journey again. 

Today I have to say I’ve never been more satisfied with the items in my closet. I feel inspired everyday to get dressed and I’m excited to see what I can come up with. I’ve been able to score some insane designer pieces for next to nothing and the quality and unique nature of all the pieces in my closet make me smile. I couldn’t recommend thrifting more. So if you considering giving it a try I say DO IT!