Jillian Felice

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"Core" Aesthetics and Why I Hate Them

I couldn’t figure out why I hated “Core” aesthetics so much until one day it hit me. My entire goal is to inspire people to remember who THEY are. What THEY like. So often we’re told what we should like. What we MUST like to be accepted. We have to fit in a box where if we like one thing from that box then we have to like everything else in that box too. That’s not how self expression should work. The reason you like your favorite fashion girl is probably because they express aspects of you and you like the way they express it. They REMEMBER who they are..

By remembering who you are, you realize how important it is to take lessons or things that serve you a positive way and forget the rest. What works for me may not work for you and vise versa. I want you to be inspired to find your voice even when no one agrees. You have to be so confident in who you were created to be you don’t allow anyone to change your mind. This is how we build confidence in fashion as well as everything else. We bring joy by appreciating everyone’s vision. No judgement. Wouldn’t fashion be so much more fun if we all just appreciated the vision?

That’s why for me, fashion can say so much about a person. It’s quite literally their living vision. You get to see the kinds of choices they make and why. Some people are fun and really wild with their prints. Others very structured and neat. Very different but both equally as important; Important because this is their vision for who they want to be. When you are true to yourself you free and heal others to do the same.

So, whenever you find yourself questioning whether or not you want to wear something, I want you to really sit back and ask yourself why? Tap into that spirit and recognize, if it has anything do with what others will think, it’s not YOURS. Babyyyyy, WEAR THAT OUTFIT!