Jillian Felice

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How Fashion Creates Friendships...

I was talking to my daughter and we were talking about friendship. I was telling her how she presents herself and communicates with her friends tell her friends how to react to her. When you have something in common with someone, those are typically the things that start the conversation. I started telling her about how this relates to fashion.

There are things she loves. Things she’d happily wear if it weren’t for what she thought others would think of it. Instead of being who she is authentically, she gets concerned if others would like it. We are ALL like that in some way. I was thinking about how this goes along with fashion. Sometimes people are afraid to dress the way they want because of what other people will think. The real kicker is when you dress the way that you REALLY want, the people who appreciate it probably have a lot more in common with you. Those are the people who are most likely to approach, talk to you and tell you they appreciate your vision. They will always notice you. For introverts this is KEY!

When you dress yourself and go out it’s supposed to represent you. It’s equally as important to make sure what you present is the best representation of yourself in EVERY way. In doing that, you are telling people how to respond to you and THAT view is going to be the view your tribe resonates with. This is how you attract your tribe to you. This doesn’t only apply to fashion. This applies to anything you have an interest in. You cannot be afraid to be yourself. It’s the only way to find the people who you are meant to do life with.

It’s often the people who have a hard time being themselves that struggle to find real friends. Those are the people that are probably the most lonely because the way they present themselves isn’t really who they are. So, they attracted the wrong tribe. In all of this I did realize, with me being an introvert myself, I have a hard time making friends. However, I do feel confident being myself. I know that if I dress in the things I love and I am COMPLETELY who I am, even without anyone having ever said a word to me, the people who get me will SEE me. Those are the people who are going to speak to me. Those are the people who I am going to naturally attract without having to do the scary thing of taking the first step. This is why I love fashion. It’s a way for the introverted to attract their tribe.

Even if your style is the best of the best, just simply having an understanding that what you love most and have is an appreciation for quality, not the name brand of the thing itself. This will change your perspective on designer. Once you understand quality, you won’t be fooled by those who drown themselves in designer things. You’ll come to learn and understand not all designer equates to quality. Recognize what you love most about the things you are working towards and BE REAL with yourself. Are you trying to get them for the right reasons?? The real definition of humble is recognizing we are all the same. Even though we all love different things we are all the same when united in our passions.