Jillian Felice

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Blind Creation

Is it possible to blindly create something…? And if so, what are the pitfalls of blind creation?

Creation is describing what you already see. For example, let’s say I was in search of the perfect shirt and since I couldn’t find one, I decided to create it. It’s at this point I have established a need. A purpose. Nothing is created without first establishing a need. Now that I’ve decided I want to create an amazing shirt, how would I even start?

Well, I would first have to start by imagining all of the elements of the perfect shirt. How would it fit? What would it look like? How would it feel? What need would it serve? Next, I would focus on the construction. I would need to break down the vision piece by piece and figure out what would be required for what I want to create. Even in the process of creating, there would be construction, deconstruction, change, and then re-construction, all happening over and over again until it becomes what it was created to be. But it all starts with a vision because you can’t create what you’ve never seen.

When it comes to your life and the vision for it, how do you begin to see? You first have to understand that you were created. You weren’t a coincidence. You didn’t just happen. You were a need. An idea and a thought before any of your cells were even formed.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

With every creation, there is a purpose for which it was created, but in order to find the purpose you have to know who created you. You have to come into relationship with God. Once you come into relationship with God, it’s only then you can even begin to see the purpose for which you were created. Every talent, every gift; both natural and spiritual, every desire, all of the weird quirks about you will be the slow, intentional construction and reflection of God’s purpose for you.

When you are aligned with God, your vision becomes clear and your steps become ordered (Psalm 37:23). It’s like trying to walk up or down a flight of stairs in the dark. It can be easy to do when you’re in a familiar environment because of muscle memory. However, when you’re entering into something new, how could you possibly know how far each step is from the next? You have to be able to see in order to move and when you move it looks like faith to others. All they see is you taking steps in what looks like the dark. They don’t hear the voice telling you “Move here. OK, now step to the side and go there. Watch out, there’s a step missing here so I’m going to need you to jump.”. The jump often times looks like a leap of faith. What they see is you moving and things happening but they don’t understand you’re just moving in what you’ve already been shown. That’s how faith works. Faith without works is dead

“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.”

‭‭James‬ ‭2‬:‭26‬ ‭NIV‬

Faith is believing what God has already shown you. The question is once you’ve been shown, are you going to act? A vision is a game plan or playbook if you will. Anybody can give you a playbook. There are many times people will tell you what you should, or shouldn’t do but it’s up to you whether or not you want to trust them. The people you trust most are often the people you have the best relationship with. If you’ve been given a vision or you’ve been handed a playbook, how do you trust it’s the play you should run? You establish a relationship with the one who gave it to you. Faith can be tough when your vision isn’t clear. You have to know the heart and intentions of the one who’s showing you.

This post is for the person struggling to find their purpose; The person who’s depressed and struggling with anxiety because they don’t know where they fit in or what to do. YOU are a need. YOU were created with purpose. Get to know your creator. Only in knowing your creator, will you actually understand what you should do. Love you.