Jillian Felice

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Life. A Spectators Sport?

Sometimes I sit back and think about some of the “situations” I’ve had to go through and the “people” I’ve had to deal with and I’m like damn…. How the hell did I get through it a sane person?

Everyone has gone through situations in life they wish they could change certain aspects of. There are also experiences that I’m sure, had you known what you were walking into, you might not have stepped so willingly into it. However, what I have come to find is everything that I have gone through has in some way made me a better person. A more cautious person, but a better one nonetheless.

Each experience has helped groom me for the next. I know this because if I had gone though certain situations without having the experience of the last, things definitely would have turned out much differently. I had to realize while even in difficult situations “This is just a phase and there is something to be learned. So pay attention Jillian!”

I think that mindset and attitude is what has allowed me to experience all that I have and still remain a sane, level headed person. Sometimes you learn so much more by sitting back and watching versus reacting to everything that is thrown your way. It’s not always a bad thing to be a spectator. You just have to make sure that while watching, your looking for the lesson in it all…. So pay attention!