Jillian Felice

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Rejection Is Not About YOU!

I used to be afraid of rejection. It’s the reason why, whenever God would show me something, I would be hesitant to share what I was shown. Some of the things I would be shown were things I couldn’t even explain so how could I possibly be sure if came from him or me? I experienced a lot of self-doubt. However, I became increasingly more concerned about if I was being obedient and in order to address the disobedience, I had to discern myself. Discern my own spirit.

You hear people talk about using discernment all the time, but in knowing what I know now, I realize most people don’t even know what it is to discern the spirit. Discernment is not skepticism. It is not suspicion and it is most definitely not the reaction you have unknowingly from feelings of past trauma. I was told a long time ago and for many years that I had a gift for discerning spirits. I never really understood what that meant until I started to look into exactly what it meant, to discern the spirit.

See… The thing is, you can’t possibly discern someone else’s spirit, unless you discern your own first. Discerning your spirit requires you to take every action,  reaction, feeling, thought, place it under a microscope and trace it back to the root. Then you measure it, while paying close attention to the measure you use, and your measure will discern YOU. There is this scripture:

“Consider carefully what you hear,” he continued. “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more.”

‭‭Mark‬ ‭4‬:‭24‬ ‭NIV‬‬.

You’re basically being told to be careful of the lens you use to judge others, because that same lens will be used to judge you. You reap what you sow plus more. As soon as I started to do this, a whole new world opened up to me. On top of being a Seer, I started to have insight into exactly what drove others thoughts, opinions, actions, and reactions, and with that measure I was able to add Grace.

There are times you will see the reasons and if you’re being honest, you don’t even know what you would do if you were in their position. Sometimes you have to admit that if it were you, you’d probably do worse. However, if the flip side is you somehow find yourself relating to the position they are in, then you should be able to imagine how difficult it must be and exercise GRACE!

This led me to my feelings of rejection. I had gone through many experiences throughout my life where I felt consistently rejected for knowing something outside of the norm of what others knew. If I’m being honest, sometimes it felt like a curse because what good is it for you to have the knowledge when everyone around you lacks the understanding? It can feel like torture. So I rebelled. I started rejecting others too. During this phase of my life it became very difficult for people to get close to me. It was almost like I wanted to reject them before they had a chance to reject me.

Again, discerning myself. So, if I know that I reject others, because I am fearful of others rejecting me, then what does that tell me about a person who is rejecting me? Then I took it a step further. If God is telling me to share something with someone and they reject what I’m saying and they don’t receive me then are they rejecting me or are they rejecting God? God deals with rejection on a MASS level! The world rejects God. When I think of it this way I have a lot of nerve to have my little feelings hurt over being rejected in the small things when God is rejected in the biggest thing of all. WHO he actually is. That got me together real quick.

I recently experienced a major rejection. A rejection that would’ve broken me in the past. I didn’t realize God was trying to remove my fear of rejection by using someone close to me. I chose to pay attention to my measure and with the measure I used I was able to exercise Grace! I realized it wasn’t me who was being rejected because I was just the messenger. If I couldn’t bear the weight of rejection when I was only carrying the message then how worthy was I to even receive it?

I tell you all this to say, rejection is never about YOU! Discern your spirit first, and be careful of the measure you use.

“If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭10‬:‭14‬