The Issue Is… Transliteration

Imagine being in grade school and having a deep aversion to certain people, but you can’t quite explain why. You’re called mean and stuck up or told you think you’re better, when in reality it’s the state of their spirit you can’t bear. Some people carry scars SO deep, too deep for you to withstand while others carry a darkness your soul has yet to comprehend.

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Jillian Davis
Blind Creation

This post is for the person struggling to find their purpose; The person who’s depressed and struggling with anxiety because they don’t know where they fit in or what to do.

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Jillian Davis
Rejection Is Not About YOU!

I realized it wasn’t me who was being rejected because I was just the messenger. The one who sent me was being rejected and if as the messenger I couldn’t bear the rejection then how worthy was I to even be given the message?

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Jillian Davis
The Gift of Grace

Sometimes, it’s hard to forgive others because we want them to do what’s best for us and not necessarily what’s best for them and even so, if we’re being honest, what is best for us is not always what’s actually BEST.

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The Poison of Being Social

So many people these days want recognition. They want to be KNOWN. The truth is that’s the wrong focus. We should be more concerned with the kind of seeds we’re planting. Think about Instagram, or nearly any other social media platform we post on. When you post, you’re looking for a certain level of recognition.

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Jillian Davis
Dear Future, Hello Past

I had a thought… All of the content we create today, whether it be a blog post, a fashion post, a news article, an instagram post, a facebook post, etc… all of these things are stored with technology AND all of these things are just a part of our story; Our way of showing how we’ve lived life up to this point and what we’ve learned so far. What if everything you put out on the internet today is for a future generation to use, understand and live by? Would that change what you put out?

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Jillian Davis
NEVER, Say Never

I should know by now the dangers of saying never. It’s almost like daring God to make you do exactly what you said you wouldn’t. Not one of the smartest things I’d ever done and yet because of it, there I was trying to talk myself out of breaking my own promise.

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Bitter Black Woman

I WAS bitter. A bitter woman. A bitter black woman. The exact thing we run as far away from being called as possible. However, how could I possibly deny it at this point? The definition indisputable and right there for me to see.

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Soul Encounters...

You can either examine those reactions, the cause, how that seed was planted along the way, and kill it. Or you can water it, allow it to grow and fester into a weed that destroys everything good in you.

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