Jillian Felice

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Let's Wear Sequin To The Grocery Store.

Sequin is not only for the Holidays. When done right we can really wear sequin year around. Taking a piece most people would only wear one way and transforming that idea into something completely different is my favorite thing to do in fashion. I have a slew of fun, vintage sequin pieces but I’ve also picked up a few new ones as well. My 2 recent favorites are from H&M. Here are some really cool ways to make sequin casual and wearable.

 One of my favorite ways to give sequin a wearable, everyday look is to add a graphic tee and/or sneakers. It immediately makes it more wearable. Mixing and pairing with casuals fabrics like cottons, knits will also do the trick.

Denim also works every single time. Nothing like a ripped jean or cut off short to bring some edge to the outfit.

Although I love adding new sequin to my wardrobe, there is nothing like finding the perfect vintage piece. I’ve become somewhat of a collector and over the years have managed to add some really great ones to my wardrobe. I’m SO over saving all of my best items for an occasion. At this point your likely to see me strolling the isles of the grocery story in any of these outfits. All that to say pull your sequin out, wear it, have fun and make everyday a special occasion! You can shop these pieces by clicking the pictures or link below!

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