Jillian Felice

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Energy Terrorist... Are You a Victim?


It means something different to everyone. Sometimes it's that "thing" that tells you to keep walking straight instead of turning that corner. Sometimes it's that "thing" that tells you to keep smiling and nod your head instead of saying what you REALLY want to say. Sometimes it's what you feel when standing next to another person. That "thing" that either makes you want to run towards or far away from them.... It's many many things but we've all felt it in one way or another. Just like you can feel that energy, you can also unintentionally take on that energy. This is known as "The Transfer of Energy". It's very subtle. Let me explain...

Have you ever been having a FANTASTIC day?! Then you run into someone or you get a call from a friend, a family member or just someone you know. You guys get to talking. Catching up on life. They start to tell you about a situation they're dealing with. You can see how upset speaking about the situation makes them. Depending on the relationship you have with this person you start to feel other things. You're sad for them. Angry for them. Hurt for them. You may even feel led to do something, jump into action on their behalf, OR just the urge to simply check in on them later. You wrap up the conversation, wish them well and then go about your day. 

Minutes, hours, sometimes even days later you notice you're feeling heavy. You can't stop thinking about what so-and-so said or how (sad/angry/hurt) they seemed. It feels like a weight. THEIR weight, is on your shoulders. They have now transferred the energy of their confusion, anger, struggle or sadness onto you. Yes... This can be mistaken for empathy (the ability to understand and share the feelings of another) or compassion (sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others). But let's talk about what makes the difference.

So you're done talking to your friend and while yes, you may be sad for them, you continue to go about your day with the same joy you woke up with, you still greet everyone with that same smile you started with and you're STILL in the same genuinely good mood you started your day with, you have empathized and shown compassion for the struggle of someone else without letting it effect how you treat others.

Yet if after talking to your friend you feel like YOUR day just got worse, have a sadness you can't seem to shake, feel cloudy and confused, start to question the people in YOUR life, start treating the people you come into contact with differently, or you just feel snappy and generally over your day, YOU my friend, have just become a victim of energy transfer. In most cases whoever you talked to didn't MEAN to make you feel this way. However, there are some instances where you've just been bombed by an "Energy Terrorist".

Energy Terrorist...

They always have a problem or something negative to say. These people are also the most hurt. They are a HUB of negative energy. They sprinkle it around like little packages hoping to empty their warehouse of negative feelings. Thinking that if they empty it, they too will be happy. Just like little double agents, their favorite victims are the ones who seem happiest. 

I have been a victim. I've taken calls and have had conversations that completely set me off. Conversations that have made me feel unshakably sad, suspicious, confused or have taken me back to dark places I thought I had long left behind. But at the same time, unintentionally, I have also dropped emotional energy bombs. Feeling sad, confused, conflicted or lost, I have run and vented to those I care about. Those close to me. Only to see the weight of my sadness burdened them too. We are all responsible for the energy we give out. But it's also important to be mindful of the energy we take on. So check your circle. Make sure you’re not surrounded by emotional terrorist. Don't be a victim. Protect your energy. More importantly check yourself & make sure the emotional terrorist isn't you...