The Vetting Process...

Vetting: To subject to thorough examination or evaluation

Friendship is a tricky thing Nowadays. What everyone is (or should be) looking for in a friend is someone who is loyal, trust-worthy and who at the end of the day has their best interest at heart. 3 things… Seems like it should be simple right? Yea… Not exactly.

For whatever reason, it seems as if loyalty does not carry the same weight it once did. Instead of lifting each other up and supporting one's gains and successes, it seems as if there is more competition between friends than complete strangers. Even more disturbing is the fact that if you are not careful, you could very well bring someone into your circle that has every intention of taking you down.

Here’s the bright side:

If you are lucky, you already have friends that are vetting each new “candidate” before they ever have a chance to get close enough to do any real damage. During the initial stages of a blooming friendship, it’s hard to see red flags and characteristics that should ring every warning bell in your head. You like the person. You just want to see the best in them. You don’t want to feel or see that they are really out to hurt you.

Why you need a vetting friend:

Vetting friends put all new “candidates” through the vetting process. They talk to them and watch them just to assess where their intentions really lie. They put them through preliminary tests to see how they will react and watch to see if they exhibit the proper responses. They are the ones who can feel when vibes or intentions aren’t right. They are the ones watching from afar and seeing the ENTIRE picture vs. you who are only seeing things from up close.

But most importantly a vetting friend will tell you when YOU are wrong, when YOU are not making good decisions and when YOU are acting a straight up fool. Basically, when you are about to “Shit and step in it.” so to speak. If your “friend” is co-signing on everything you do and not telling you when you are wrong? Then you need new friends. Straight up.

So check your circle. See if you have a vetting friend. If you do, Thank God and LISTEN! They are a blessing! These people are the friends that save you! But most of all, these are the people that save you when you need to be saved from yourself!  

Sincerely A Vetting Friend…