The Poison of Being Social

So many people these days want recognition. They want to be KNOWN. The truth is that’s the wrong focus. We should be more concerned with the kind of seeds we’re planting. Think about Instagram, or nearly any other social media platform we post on. When you post, you’re looking for a certain level of recognition. If your post doesn’t do well then you're down. Why? It’s because you were looking for recognition. Recognition via likes and comments. You know what I’d BET? You probably weren’t thinking about all of the seeds your picture would sow. You weren’t thinking about if your photo would make that girl who’s barely making it feel insecure about what she already owns. You definitely weren’t thinking about if your photo would inspire someone to be critical of what they look like and who they are. You also probably didn’t consider what kind of blooms would come from those poisonous, dangerous seeds you’ve been planting.

Our world is in such a state right now in nearly everything. Even on down to food. There’s so many regulations around fruits, vegetables, and how they can be planted. It’s all so odd at the moment and progressively getting worse. I think it’s really just a byproduct of everything that’s been planted all these years. The earth is dying. It’s all being poisoned and continuing to be so because no one wants to consider the seeds they’re sowing. So many of these people are compromising everything for the sake of money. Why, you might ask? It’s because the world hands out recognition via money. So… they continue to spread the poison because they value recognition more.

All that to say, more than likes, comments or recognition, social media should really be used to sow good seeds. Instead, we’ve let things turn into a cesspool that continuously spreads. We still have a chance to fix it. We can be the ones to spread GOOD seeds. So, I guess the question to ask before you post anything is what kind of seeds do you want to sow?

Jillian Davis