Affordable Holiday Party Looks


SHEIN was never one of those places I thought I’d like shopping at. When they initially reached out to me to collaborate I turned them down. However, after looking at their website multiple times my curiosity got the best of me. I saw they had some potentially incredible looks for the upcoming holiday party season.

I have to say I really thought the clothing would be very ill fitting. Yet I have been very pleasantly surprised by the items I received. I do understand that a lot of items on their website can be hit or miss but if you take care to really look at the measurements you should do pretty well at having mostly hits!

The blouses I received from their Paris Fashion Week show were absolutely amazing! By far, better than anything I’ve seen in Zara up to this point. Definitely much more affordable! You can check out this video to see how all the items fit me, how I would style them, and maybe get some ideas of your own. I hope your upcoming holiday party season is full of joy, laughter and all the fun you can handle!

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